Start 2023 to put yourself first

Yoga & Coaching Retreat

Relax. Recharge. Reconnect.

6 Nights | 12. - 18. February 2023

Yoga | Coaching | Nature & YOU

At the french Cote D'Azur with other spirits who loves to evolve themselves and shape a deep connect with others.

You, yourself & your best self at the french Cote D'Azur exploring your future self

Do you want to focus on yourself, your vision and your path for 2023?

Then would this Yoga and Coaching Retreat invite you to look inside for your answer.

6 Nights | 12.-18.February 2023

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Your heart knows the way

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Feel supported by the group energy

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Deep connects

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Your relax. recharge. reconnect includes

What your heart craves for

Take control of your health and the health of your family and get fast medical advice from your doctor wherever you are. Save yourself the trouble of arriving at the clinic and waiting in a queue. Sign up for our online consultation service and receive urgent care, and personal attention, covering a large range of medical issues.

Hej, I'm Janne

I'm a Life & Energy Coach and Graphic Brand Identity Designer at Light Hauss Coaching & Visuals. 


We welcome you

Who are your hosts?

Cavewell is a private practice owned and operated by top physicians dedicated to providing quality and accessible health care to patients of all ages in Bristol since 2011.

Our primary care physicians and staff specialize in the prevention, management, and treatment of various medical diseases, and it is our goal to offer the best medical services possible to our patients. We hope you place your trust in Cavewell Medical Practice.

Hi, I'm Peter

I'm a Life Coach, Yoga teacher & Sound healer.

I focus on...

Do you feel it's something for you

How can you sign up for this retreat?

Sign up in formular

Please send you in the formular telling us, what kind of room you would like to take and have many of you are travelling together.

Book a Telehealth Visit

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Speak to a Doctor

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Join today and gain access to personalised quality healthcare consultation from anywhere


Bjerreager 43, 7120 Vejle Øst, Denmark

© Peter Schlatt Coaching & Light Hauss Coaching & Visuals